miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

8'2'' HWS Prototype

My newest creation. Wanted to build the longest board available from a single plywood sheet. Ended being 2" longer because of nose and tailblocks. I really like the shape, but rocker came flatter than expected because of springback...sucks. It's also quite heavy, because top and bottom skins are 1/4" instead of 1/8" which is what I normally use, because the original idea was to build it unglassed. Thin rails (thanks to domed deck) built the Jensen way. Glassed single 4oz all around. BTW, it's not a HWS sensu stricto: before building up the rails the board was filled up with canned insulation foam. No need to put a vent on it. Single "rising sun" fin built from wood scraps.

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